How to Draw a Body

In this step-by-step drawing tutorial we show the basics of how to draw a human body using the example of Michelangelo’s sculpture of David.

This lesson is essentially a kind of foundation, a basis for being able to draw human figures and various characters.

How to draw a body step by step

Table of Contents

Basic Information for the Lesson on How to Draw a Body

As we said above, this body drawing lesson is basic. But what does this mean?

This means that this lesson will not only show the basic steps of drawing a human body, but will also explain why to do this or that action in the drawing process.

To be able to draw a human body or any other thing, the artist must not just copy what he sees in front of him, but comprehend what he depicts.

But how to do that?

For example, to draw a body meaningfully, you need to understand at least a basic level of anatomy. In this lesson we will of course give you the necessary basic knowledge in this area.

In addition, in the process of drawing the human body, it is necessary to remember the rules of proportions, composition and light and shadow. All of this will help make your body drawing more convincing and realistic.

How to Draw a Body Step-by-Step

Step 1 – Determine the Position of the Body

First of all, sketch the outline of the body on paper. Here you only need to depict the position of the body and determine its size. In this same step you should find the right composition.

Start drawing the body

Step 2 – Draw the Outlines of the Body Parts

Using light pencil movements, draw the outlines of the head, torso and limbs. You must, like a sculptor, carve parts of the body from the general mass. Don’t concentrate too long on individual details. The lines should be very fast and rough.

Drawing the general outlines of the body

Step 3 – Draw the General Outlines of the Upper Body

Moving from top to bottom, gradually add details. First of all, draw the outlines of the hair and arms. The lines should still not be too contrasting or detailed. Here you only find general proportions.

Sketching the upper part

Step 4 – Draw the General Outlines of the Lower Body

Gradually begin to shape the legs and arms. When drawing a human body, remember that this is not a plane, but a three-dimensional object. Try here to gradually convey the volume of the depicted body parts.

Sketching the body details

Step 5 – Detail the Feet

Now it’s time to make the drawing in more detail. To do this, start drawing out the details of the legs and feet. When sketching paired objects, such as legs, try to alternate creating details on one and the other leg so as not to get confused with the proportions.

Sketching the Lower Body

Step 6 – Detail the Head

First detail the outline of the head, keeping in mind the volume of this part of the body. Next draw the outlines of the curly hair. After that draw the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. The face also needs to be drawn from general details to smaller ones.

Detailing the head

Step 7 – Detail the Arms

Draw the outlines of the pectoral muscles, then the tense neck muscles of the trapezius. Next, draw the deltoids and muscles of the upper arms and forearms. Don’t forget to draw the outlines of the tendons on your arms.

Drawing the Upper Body

Step 8 – Detail the Torso

Detail the outlines of the torso and upper legs. Try to convey the outlines of the ribs and tense abdominal muscles under the skin. In addition, you can add the necessary clothing items.

Sketching torso details

Step 9 – Erase the Guidelines From the Body Drawing

Make the final touches by removing everything unnecessary and adding what you need. Time for details. Add, if necessary, the outlines of nails, folds, hair, etc.

Body drawing tutorial

Step 10 – Add Some Colors to the Body Drawing

Everyone is different, and we all have our own unique skin tone. Additionally, we are in a world of light and shadow, and while our example shows a flatter style of coloring, you are free to add more deep highlights and shadows to make your drawing look more three-dimensional.

How to draw a body

Nuances of Drawing the Human Body

As we wrote above, in order to be able to draw a body, you need to know the details. Here we will talk about some of them:

  • The height of the human body is approximately equal to the height of 6-8 heads. When drawing the body, remember this and use a pencil to measure these ratios in the very first stages.
  • Muscles and bones are not a plane, but a volume. When drawing a human body, always remember that under the skin there are muscles, and under the muscles there is a skeleton. All this forms the volumes and surfaces on the body that you need to convey on paper.
  • If a person is not in a state of complete rest, then at least part of his muscles is in tension. By conveying this tension on paper you will make the drawing much more compelling. For example, notice how the support leg creates more detail in the knee area because it is under more tension.

Using this lesson, you will, of course, be able to draw not only the body of David, but also any other character, be it a superhero from comics or a zombie from horror films.

Completing the Body Drawing Lesson

So, what do you need to do to learn how to draw a body?

You need to start with general proportions, outlining the outline of the body on a piece of paper. Then you need to gradually add details, keeping in mind volume and proportions. The smallest details must be drawn at the very end.

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